Wednesday, February 2, 2011


  • I am thankful to be among the living after a horrible bout with the stomach flu.
  • After losing 5 pounds to that nasty bug, I am eating waffles and Mountain Dew for breakfast. Oops. So much for that weight-loss jump start. But it tastes. so. good. Reminds me of my first meals eaten after giving birth. So hungry.
  • my house looks like this......
    • I almost broke down and cried after seeing the house like this, discovering that I have yet another sick kid, and then realizing I was out of Q-tips. It was the Q-tip that broke the proverbial camel's back. Have I mentioned how much I am addicted to Q-tips?
    • I am thankful that Gwen is almost tall enough to puke in the sink. Not as appropriate as the toilet, but way more so than all over her bed.
    • I will let Gwen believe that the words to the song she heard on the radio really were, "Take Me Home, Gwen Virginia...." She was so excited......I didn't have the heart to tell her......
    • I am letting the girls watch a recorded episode of Wipeout. Before we do school. Scratch that. Everyone else is getting a snow day. I am going to take another sick day.
    Not sure if I told the one about our cat sneaking in the house and peeing all over our couch while we were gone over New Years? We have been short on seating ever since.....which is why there is no furniture in the picture of our living room and yet we have three chairs crowded into the TV room. What do people without TVs do to survive an almost all family episode of the stomach flu?

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