Wednesday, July 9, 2008

To Do

I'm feeling like it's a To-Do List writing kind of night. And I haven't blogged in a few days. And I feel like adding fuel to the fire of those who insist on warming themselves by the flames of their blogger judgement. So if any of you are out there closet reading my blog and looking for more ways to poke fun of my majestic blogging Dorkiness, sit back on that wobbly lawn chair of yours as I gently (so as not to agitate sparks in the direction of your precious Tommy gear) throw another log on your fire. You've got it. I'm going to blog my to-do list. And let myself believe that you care. 

To Do
  • Laundry. Laundry. And more laundry. Today I hit a new low as I sent Addie to her homeschool girl's club. With a bikini! In my defense, we left her favorite suit at a friend's house last week. And every other clean one piece she owns sags off her booty in an embarrassingly revealing manner. I'm sure I only bought a 2-piece because it was $1.97 at Old Navy. But I'm sure of all the places NOT to send your daughter in a 2 piece, a girl's homeschool club would be at the top of the list.
  • Grocery shopping. The novelty of peanut butter and jelly on a hot dog bun has worn off. 
  • Scrub the bathtub. Even under the shampoo bottles. You heard it! UNDER the shampoo bottles!
  • Collect more pond scum for our tadpole habitat. Or find some way to combine this with previous bathtub task.
  • Continue cutting the clutter for future garage sale.
  • Finish reading Redeeming Love.....the single most commonly listed favorite book on blogspot and facebook among females.
  • Find favorite softball shirt....the only one long enough to conceal my less than hip hop abs during a leaping catch with maximum arm extension. You just never know.
  • Blog about the following topics
  1. "I want to stab you, you're so gorgeous." -Mia Michaels
  2. Oh girdle, how I love hate you!
  3. Green Underwear
  4. "Be naked!"
  5. A place for almost everything and almost everything in its place
  6. Sister Squabbles
  7. The Epitome of Elusive


Anonymous said...

Hi Joolee!

We went to the pond by the cemetary like you recommended and it was so wonderful!

Yes,,I agree, laundry, cleaning and grocery shopping are not my idea of fun..I like the latter..reading.

The Three 22nds said...

Ha, ha. I ALWAYS want to blog my to do list. My to do list is one of the biggest things in my life (sad but true). But I usually restrain myself :) But now you've done it, so I just might :) Actually, I am trying to switch over to a "list of accomplishments" instead.

the 2 piece thing may not be so bad. Homeschoolers are getting much more progressive :) I wear a 2 piece and I will be a homeschool mom!

Heather of the EO said...

Hi! I think I read Redeeming Love in like ten seconds...
okay, it was more like four days, but it
even if it has that cheesiness of a town called pair a dice. or whatever.
still good.

Kim said...

I.Heart.Mia.Michaels. I totally want to hang out with that woman.

Seriously, with a few minor changes, I could print your to-do list and make it mine this weekend. Especially the laundry part.