And yesterday.
And maybe even a couple days before that.
There. I said it.
If my self-praise rubs you the wrong way,
perhaps try substituting the word "productive"
from here on out.
That may read a smidge less arrogant.
But really, I WAS.
I was productive and awesome!
I posted a bit about my awesomeness on facebook yesterday
but was gently reminded that it was the Lord's Day.
*delete post*
*hang head in shame*
Seems my awesomeness doesn't always know
when it's time to take a break
from being so awesome.
So.... ya wanna hear about it?
My recent bout of awesomeness?
Why don't I just type it up quick,
Recent Awesome Accomplishments
Resume Style.
- completed Seasonal Wardrobe Change et closet cleaning for all four girlies
- made applesauce, apple butter, apple pie filling
- canned applesauce, apple butter and pears
- made meat pies
- baked cookies
- made delicious beer cheese soup
- edited and ordered photos
- had girls write letters
- put letters and photos in the mail
- made silhouettes for a friend
- worked out at fitness center before picking girls up from school
- catch that? (cross running and weight lifting off my list)
- almost caught up on laundry
- filled back of Suburban with donations
- recovered two bulletin boards in girls' room
- discovered fabulous grey, pink and yellow color scheme for master bedroom
- hung photos and art in color scheme with hubby pronouncing it my "best work"
- washed and french braided three heads Sunday night
- found all girls' library books before library day
- shaved legs
- painted nails
- filled out forms
- removed make-up before bed
And this List of Awesomeness is
not even all-inclusive!
Sure feels good.
Gettin stuff done.
At this rate, I may come to the very end of my
To-Do list
(has that ever happened?)
and have to take out an ad in the local paper:
Awesome for Hire.
Because I am.
Also, in case you still find
my shameless boastfulness
I promise to soon share with you
some things that are in no way
About me.
And my house.
And maybe my abs.
Because I am not always so awesome.
But speaking of awesome,
Steve is threatening to start
The Sing-Off
without me!
Ben Folds.
Sara Barellies.
A cappella harmonies.
You are so productive--I mean awesome! And it doesn't work in your one sentence because then it would read I productive and productive. :)
I can't even imagine getting that many things done. Wow! If I get my bushel of pears (that someone gave me) canned tomorrow, I will call it a very productive day. And if I manage to get laundry done in between, I will feel awesome.
You're funny. Great work! That's a long list! :) xx, AnaLisa
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