Gwen is our last. I am going to miss having a baby in the house. I LOVE the babies! But now it is time to look ahead....move onto the next stage. The stage where my purse is no longer the size of a diaper bag.....where we all hop on our bikes and go for a ride on the boardwalk....where we sit down for a nice peaceful meal together and the food stays in our mouths and not in our hair---OK. maybe I'm rushing things a bit. I DO look forward to the freedom we will have to do more as the kids become more capable, but just for today I want to mourn the loss of the baby stage. Why can't they stay forever young?
7 years ago
Those pictures of Gwen are adorable! I kind of know how you feel about no more babies. I can't believe Micah will be two in a couple short months. I'll miss certain things about the baby stage, but I'm looking forward to all the new things we'll be able to enjoy as a family.
I was so geeked that they turned out! I'm telling you...I've been trying to get good pics of my girls for months to no avail. This was totally had been pouring rain at the falls, then the sun came out and she wouldn't give up her umbrella. We ended up way behind everyone else cuz she was so distracted with her new "toy"....and luckily I had the camera. I guess it just goes to show you can't force a kid to take a good just have to capture their special moments:)
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