Tuesday, November 4, 2008


......I am sitting here semi-watching a previously recorded Rocky movie instead of following Fox News' Brit Hume (aka Droopy the cartoon dog) cover the disheartening election results.
......I got full body goose bumps as Rocky yelled "Hey Adrienne! I did it!!!!!"
......I have 3 of the kids' Halloween candy wrappers wadded up in tight ball next to me on the couch (as if to look like only one.)

Tonight is a disappointment on multiple levels.


The Three 22nds said...

totally. I have been painting my doors and eating halloween candy. It didn't help.

Sabrina said...

I had a similar experience last night... mostly with wads of candy wrappers piling up next to me. Stop the Madness!

Heidi said...

Only three wrappers? You are clearly a woman of great self-control.

And thanks for commenting--and you can still out your own awesomeness.

Kristi said...

Hey Julie--someone else was having trouble posting on my blog, too. Both of you have a link to mine from yours. I'm wondering if there's a glitch right now. 'Cause I tried to post to hers by using the link on my site, and it wouldn't work. I had to go to the blog from my favorites instead of from my blog page. You can delete this if you want.