So if it's OK with you, I'd like to publicly (I suppose my 5 readers makes this a "public" forum?) thank you for just a few things on this Father's Day.
- Thank you for building me that adorable dollhouse AND cradle for my babies. It may not have had 3,000 shingles, Amy Lawson, but it had carpet, curtains, a woodstove, AND a little dishwasher with pull out racks. Hear that Amy Lawson? My dad loved me more than your dad loved you!
- Thanks for taking me on a date when I "became a woman" to show me how a guy should treat a girl. As awkward as it was for me (and maybe even you), it was a very sweet I doubt many fathers can say they made.
- Thank you for making me feel beautiful. Even when I wasn't. (Insert photo of redhead with short boy hair and HUGE buck teeth here). Really. My insanely high self esteem is all thanks to you;)
- Thank you for loving and accepting Steve as your own son. I can't tell you how thankful I am that you guys have that kind of relationship.
- Thank you for loving mom the way you did/do. It was because of your example that I knew what to look for in a husband.
Thank you for working hard so mom could stay home with us. Without that I surely would not be the same person today. Oh, and thanks for having a cool job as a "stripper." I sure loved telling my friends what you did for a living.
- Thank you for having a sense of humor. A dry sense of humor, but humor nonetheless:)
- Thanks for music. Music=happiness.
- Thanks for loving my kids enough to let them play with your iphone:)
Thanks for watching the kids by yourself (including the diapered one!) so mom could be with me in the hospital for Gwen's delivery. I couldn't have done it without you both.
- Thanks for loving me, in word and deed. "I'm the luckiest girl in the world.......cuz I've got a daddy who loves me......" You are my biggest encourager. Thanks for seeing the best and ignoring the rest.
Happy Father's Day Dad.
I love you!
(now that mom and I finally got a decent picture together, I think it's time for you-n-me.....wouldn't that look nice here?)
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