I'm feeling tons better today not taking into account my burning lungs of FIRE and my throbbing glutes. Steve and I started our intense P90X routine last week and it is KILLER! As Tony Horton says, "I hate it! But I love it!" Down 16 pounds as of today:) I've been eating healthier than ever and haven't had chocolate in weeks. Which I was basically fine with until reading my cousin's post all about chocolate yesterday. This morning I woke up with a killer craving for a caramel Cadbury egg. Mmmmmmmm. (Cadbury eggs may possibly take 97% credit for my 11 pound spring baby.) Thanks for reminding me of what I am missing Kim! Thanks a lot;)
So that's it. I'm sick. And sore. And apparently too busy eating 6 small protein filled meals a day to keep up with my blog. Stay tuned for my smokin hot "after" P90X photos.......which I'm hoping will resemble some of these.